Lifeflight #3

On Thanksgiving day 2017, which happened to be the day that Wyatt turned 3 months. This happened. And my world turned upside down. 20171123_210102.jpg

The night before Thanksgiving, when I put Wyatt to sleep I remember telling Tj that he sounds a little refluxy and that he might not sleep well. That was not a very normal thing for him. He had just typical baby reflux basically. He woke up at 3 to eat and had some dried boogers in his nose but no congestion. He didn’t eat very much, which was normal for him at night, and he went back to sleep. I’m not sure if it was mothers intuition is what but I decided to stay up with him sleeping on my chest in the living room.

Slowly his breathing pattern started to get weird. Then he just stopped. I pulled him back and he was gray and not moving. I stimulated him on his chest and he started to breathe slightly, but barely .Then I did it a little deeper, a small amount of CPR and he came back to me. I don’t think I was breathing through the whole process. I was scarily calm through it all. I don’t know if I just knew something was wrong and needed to be fixed and my training kicked in or if it wasn’t even me the whole time, it was Good withing through me.

I handed him to his Daddy and placed his owlet monitor on him while I got things ready to take him to the ER. We love so far out that I didn’t trust EMS to get to us in time. While getting his stuff ready the monitor went off and I grabbed him from his Daddy and that alone stimulated him. We hightailed it to the ER.

I was really wanting to go to a Texas Children’s ER, but there just wasn’t one close enough. Along the way he kept going apenic with very bad color changes. I mean multiple times. It was the longest 15 mins of my life, but he kept coming back to me with stimulation.

We got to the pedi ER of the hospital he was born in and I ran inside and handed them a lifeless baby that was barely breathing. I knew what was going to happen, I see it all the time. But when the ER doctor told me that he was  going to be intubating him and I looked at my baby and husband I just broke. We only had our baby home for 2 weeks and they were taking him again. One of his NICU nurses and doctor came running to help with they said it was Wyatt.

Everything happened to fast. They took him from me and Tj and told us they were going to intubate and lifeflight him to another facility. I can remember sitting outside the room watching his SATs drop and they tried multiple times to intubate him and all I could see was his feet. They didn’t want me to watch. I was just sitting on the bench shaking next to Tj.

Once they were done, we had to go in and face seeing him like that for the second time in our lives. He looked so small lying there. He was around 8 lbs that day, and was 3 months exactly. He was so pale and medically paralyzed.

Lifeflight got there and carted him up and got him ready to go .This time, I got to go with him. Interestingly enough, it was the first time I had ever flown.

Im looking back on this day like it was a start to a whole new life. A whole new level of care, torture and pain that we had to watch out child endure. I just thought that NICU life was hard.

My next few posts will not be easy to read . I’m just warning y’all.





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